The forty-ninth Annual General Meeting of The Kennet & Avon Canal Trust will be held at the Canal Centre, Couch Lane, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 1EB on
Saturday June 11 2011 commencing at 11.00 am to conduct the following business:
Ordinary Resolutions:
1.To receive and adopt the Board of Trustees'Report and Accounts for
the year ended December 31 2010.
2.To elect Members to be Trustees.
2.1Messrs Copley, Fisher and Mundy are to retire in accordance with Articles 50 and 51 of the Trust's Articles of Association.They all, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election.
2.2During the past year David Inight, Mike Rodd, Pauline King and Suzanne Gaia were formally coopted onto Trust Council in accordance with Article 37 of the Trust’s Articles of Association. They all, being eligible, now offer themselves for election.
2.3Further nominations for election to The Board of Trustees:
There are some vacancies. The Board of Trustees has a policy of continuous recruitment to ensure that it has access to the skills and experience to run a modern heritage-based Charity. Properly authorised and seconded nominations are invited from among the Trust membership for persons to sit as Trustees and Directors of the Trust.
3.To re-appoint the Auditors, Messrs David Owen & Co, and to authorise The Board of Trustees to fix their remuneration.
By Order of The Board of the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust
Terry Kemp Company Secretary
February 1 2011
A member entitled to attend and vote may appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his/her stead.
Notes for guidance together with nomination forms are available by e-mailing or by writing to The Secretary, K&A Trust, Canal Centre, Couch Lane, Devizes, SN10 1EB.
Closing date for receipt of valid nominations is noon May 31 2011.
Registered in England and Wales: No 726331. Registered Charity: No CC209206